Central Music Institute | Trinity College London (TCL UK)

Central Music Institute proudly maintains an official affiliation with Trinity College London, a distinguished international music education institution founded in 1877 by Revd Henry George Bonavia. Trinity College London is renowned for its comprehensive examinations and assessments, available in over 60 countries worldwide. These examinations encompass practical performance, music theory, music history, and aural skills, offering students a thorough evaluation of their musical abilities. The affiliation with Trinity College London enriches Central Music Institute's curriculum by providing students with access to Trinity's esteemed examination system, which is designed to be fair and accessible to all aspiring musicians. Through this affiliation, students at Central Music Institute can benefit from Trinity's rigorous assessments, which assess not only their performance skills but also their theoretical knowledge, aural perception, and musical understanding. This partnership underscores Central Music Institute's commitment to offering students a high-quality music education that prepares them for success in their musical pursuits.